dimarts, 22 de maig del 2012

Hello! We are the 6th class of Primary Education from Les Pruneres. We have been working on a project with all of you on the Olympic Games. Our project is about athletics and sailing in USA. We hope you'll enjoy!

divendres, 11 de maig del 2012

Hello again from Alba del Vallès! Here's one more presentation. This time the country is Italy. Hope you enjoy it!

dijous, 10 de maig del 2012

Hi, We are 1st.ESO Students at IES Alba del Vallès. We have prepared a Power Point about Canada and the Olympic Games. We hope you like it! Just enjoy!!

dimarts, 8 de maig del 2012

Hi, we are the students from the school: Les Mimoses. Our work is about the olimpics and the athletics in Africa. Enjoy it!!! 

divendres, 4 de maig del 2012

Hi, we are students from Joaquim Abril School. This is a project created by the students of the 3rd cycle of Primary Education (5th and 6th). It's a part of the big project among the schools centres in Sant Fost, Martorelles and Santa Maria de Martorelles and the institute in Sant Fost. Each centre has been working around a general topic, the Olympic games. Each centre has chosen a country or continent and it has been working different aspects about it: information related to the country, sportists (athletes, players,...) and sport disciplines.

In our case, the title of our project is Olympic and Paralympic games -London 2012-. We hope you'll enyoy our work!!
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